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Best Ecommerce Solution Shopping Cart Software Solution

Online Shopping Carts

Questions to Ask
Watch a short video and print a list of questions to ask when shopping for an e-commerce solution.

Why to Choose Flashecom.NET
Watch a short video about why we feel you should choose Flashecom.NET.


How Much Does it Cost
Watch a short video to learn why Flashecom.NET has no monthly fees for the first year and no contracts.


How Do I Get Started
Watch a short video about the seven simple steps to getting your e-commerce website launched.


How Do I Get Customers
Watch a short video on how to bring customers to your newly launched e-commerce website.


Even with our complete e-commerce solution, you can always use a boost to make your business more profitable and easier to manage. We offer these additional services to help you grow your business.

Jump to a service:
Design Services , Marketing Services, Fast Launch Services, Tools

NEW Wholesale Module $49.99/mth, NO SETUP FEE
NEW Parametric Search $199/mth, $5,000 SETUP
NEW Export Services $45/month, NO SETUP FEE
Event & Holiday Facelifts $400
Live Chat $49.99/mth + $50 setup
Fraud Protection $375
Export Services $45/month
Wholesale Module $50/month
Initial Inventory Import $199+ (rel. to # of prod.)
Monthly Maintenance (see samples) $350
Logo Design (see samples) $400
Identity Package $2,000
E-mail Design (see samples) $400
Banner Design $300
Data Entry $1 - $3 per item
Description Writing $2 - $4 per item
Photography Price per job
Voice Broadcasting $0.12/dial
Custom Programming Price per job
Urchin +$10/month
PPC Setup $299/engine


Live Chat

If you could speak to a potential customer a the moment they are ready to buy, how many additional sales would your website be making? This is the power of Live Chat. We offer a live chat and real-time live monitoring software package that allows your business to proactively interact with website visitors. Live chat also provides an additional point of contact for your customers.

Fraud Protection

Protect your business from fraudulent credit card transactions! Flashecom’s solution Fraud Protection Module allows you to block specific IP address with failed multi-card attempts or repetitive single card attempts. This feature can easily pay for itself by limiting processing fees and charge backs. The Fraud Protection module is fully functional with Authorize.net.

Export Services

In order to be truly successful online, a business needs to increase the number of people seeing its products. Flashecom’s Export Module will allow the export of your product data pre-formatted to the needs of many of the most popular shopping portals, like: Google base, MSN Live Feed, Yahoo, PriceGrabber, Shopzilla/BizRate, Shopping.com/DealTime, SortPrice.com, JellyFish.com, Pronto, and TheFind.com. This is a huge time saver for businesses that utilize these portals and will pay for itself in a very short timeframe.

Wholesale Module

Flashecom’s Wholesale Module gives online businesses the ability to effectively sell both wholesale and retail from the same website, saving you a great deal of TIME and MONEY! This module will allow you to customize each of 8 pricing levels by category, subcategory, and even down to the individual product level. When your reseller logs into your store, they will only see the price level you have assigned them. All other customers will see the specified retail price

Parametric Searching

Parametric or Drill Down searching is a very powerful tool and a must have for any business that has a large product catalog. The module will allow your customers to quickly and easily filter pages of products and find the exact item they are looking for. Regardless of your industry you will be able to define search criteria that are relevant to your products and how your customers search. A Bookstore would have title, author, and publish date. Automotive Parts Store would use year, make, and model. This feature can help your customers find exactly what they are looking for instead of clicking the back button and finding it somewhere else.

Initial Inventory Import

The single most time consuming part of starting a new web business or migrating an existing one is getting the data into your website. So why not give that job to experts who can do it better and faster? Flashecom can take your .XLS or .CSV file and import it into your new ecommerce solution, saving you valuable time.

Design Services


Our talented designers specialize in creating effective logo designs and corporate emblems for all types of businesses. Our optimized designs are produced to be used on business cards, signs, print, media, the web, and almost anything else you want to put your logo on. See Samples

Identity Package

Branding is extremely important online or offline. We will create a unique identity for your company that will allow your customers to quickly recognize your products and services. Below is a list of what is included in the package:

  • Custom Logo Design
  • Tag Line/Slogan
  • Business Card Design
  • Letterhead Design
  • Envelope Design
  • Banners

Banner Package

If you are looking to advertise on the web, you will need high quality banners to generate the highest click through rate possible. Our talented designers can capture your business essence and message in banners created in the shapes and sizes allowed for the major search engines and directories.

E-mail design

The most cost effective way to advertise online is e-mail marketing. Your Flashecom solution comes with a built in e-mail campaign manager! We will create an e-mail template that matches your sites custom look and feel. Remember out of site out of mind, don’t let your customers forget about your great products and services. See Samples


Your web site is more than a business card; it reflects your ability to present your products, services and yourself. We can design a page that is appealing and functional, helping to sell or promote your particular product or service to the best of its ability in the marketplace. Turn around time 7-14 days.

Type III Custom Design

Who says you can’t have a great custom designed website plus cutting edge shopping cart functionality? We, at Flashecom, have created the ability to have both! With our type III design package, our design staff will custom create a website that is unique to you and your business model. Imagine your site your way! We can create sites like www.worldjewels.net , www.clothingsolutions.com , and www.1888flowermall.com to mention a few.

Seasonal Design Package

Most business have peak seasons for selling. Whether it is the holiday season or camping season... We will create a custom front window, which is your home page of your site! We will also create a custom e-mail which can be sent to over 10,000 e-mail address per month for free, through the Flashecom solution!

Monthly Maintenance

No time to manage a site…or want to be like the national chains? No problem, we can help. Sign up for our monthly maintenance package with will give you a designer dedicated to your need once every month! Have your site change like the national sites but at a fraction of the price! We are dedicated to your on line success! See Sample

Marketing Services


Get real-time tracking and reporting from the leader in web site traffic analysis.  Know who is visiting your site, where they came from, how many pages did they look at and more. Web success comes from having accurate information about what your customers are looking for. Urchin automatically creates and maintains a full calendar of reports that include everything you need to know to ensure online success!

Froogle Export  

There are ways to market for free! Froogle a directory by Google with your products and you pay nothing. But you must list your products in a way that works with their requirements. We have created a export wizard to help you get your products ready for Froogle and to give you the ability to resubmit with a click of your mouse! Free with Diamond SEO

PPC Setup

By far the fastest growing segment of the search engine market is Pay-Per-Click search engines. The advantages are significant: you get listed in the major search engines in a matter of days instead of waiting months when you submit your site manually. This means you can start web site promotion and driving traffic to your site right away and you are in control of where your site ranks on the search engines. We will research targeted keywords, write your adds and direct you to the engines that will give you the most qualified visitors! 

Search Engine Optimization Package (SEO)

Ever wonder where a site went? You search through the major search engines find the perfect site…then you go back using the same keyword and it is done! Where did it go? Well the algorithms change on a constant basis… what got that site their last week may not be what the spiders are looking for this week. We can help. We have a dedicated staff that will monitor the search engine requirement for listing and change your site to keep you listed.  We offer solutions to take your website to the top of the major search engines. We rely on the latest search engine placement techniques including optimizing both on-page and off-page factors. Our results are guaranteed!

* Warehousing/Distributing Solution

Flashecom truly is a turn key solution provider! We will custom design your website, market it, maintain your site…Than we will warehouse your products, pull your orders, pack them, and ship them out for you! We distribute products for manufactures, and major distributors from all over the world. This package will help companies from over seas sell to the US market place. We will ship wholesale and retail orders. - More information

Fast Launch

Data Entry Services

Our data entry team is standing by! We are here to help you in setting up your site. Our staff can go to your supplier’s site, and enter the items from their site to yours. The only thing you have to do is enter your selling price!

Description Writing

Your site is open 24X7…so the descriptions your products have could be the difference between a sale and a browser. Good descriptions give your products and services the edge over your competitors. Our talented staff can write descriptions for your products that are unique and create the impulse to buy!

Photography Services

Nothing sells on the web better than photographic images -- of a product, a model, or simply a friendly face. We will provide you with full photographic services designed specifically to meet your needs.